Undermining the U.S. Constitution: How the Communist Manifesto of 1848 Blueprints the Actions of the Democratic Party
The last edition, published 7 December 2022 by Bookside Press, is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. New content starts with “Socialism/Communism Status Code Red.” See end of Links page for more on Status Code Red.
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Rise Up Patriots! Let the Silent Majority be Heard. . . . The Democratic Party embraced Socialists and Communists long ago. Because of “bipartisanship” and billionaire “elite” globalists, many Republicans in the Grand Old Party (GOP) have been corrupted. But the Republican Party, started by people like Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln to prevent the spread of slavery, is still our natural home. (p. 79)
Link to “Behind the Push for Open Borders” Communism Expert Trevor Loudon
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